Travel and Timetable

for the 23rd European Sufi Summer School

Saturday, 28 June - Friday, 4 July 2025

Arrival: Saturday, 28 June after 15.00. Dinner at 19.00

Departure: Friday, 4 July after lunch.

See the general timetable below. The schedule is subject to change.

Transportation from and to the Schnega station on the days of arrival and departure can be arranged (school  vehicles/taxi.) If you need to be picked up from the train, please send us your arrival time at least 3 days before the start of the school.

See transportation details below.


Arrival day:

19.00-20.15: Dinner

20.30-22.25: Opening session and introduction.


08.00-08.30: Early morning sessions (two simultaneous classes)

08.15-09.30: Breakfast

09.45-11.00: All school class (session by the main presenter).

11.00-11.30: Tea Break

11.30-12.45: Morning classes (two simultaneous sessions)

13.00-14.15: Lunch

15.45-17.00: 1st afternoon class (three simultaneous sessions)

17.00-17.30: Tea Break

17.30-18.45: 2nd afternoon class (three simultaneous sessions)

19.00-20.15: Dinner

20.30-22.15: Evening all school session.

Departure day:

9.45-12.45: Last all school class (session by the main presenter), followed by the closing session.

13.00-14.15: Lunch


The seminar venue Proitzer Müehle is situated halfway between Uelzen and Salzwedel, or in the centre of the triangle formed by the cities of Hannover, Hamburg and Magdeburg.

Closest airport is Hamburg (HAM). Hannover (HAJ), Bremen (BRE), and Berlin (BER) have also been used by many participants.

Closest train station is Schnega. You can check the train schedule on the

In the GPS type in the postal code 29465 Schnega and the street name Proitze 3.

We organise shuttles/taxis from and to the station on the days of arrival and departure. Be sure that you have informed us about your planned arrival time at least 3 days before the start of the retreat.

Travelling by car:

If you are coming from Salzwedel on the B71, turn left at the crossroads in the village Spithal – it’s only one house on the right and one on the left of the main road – and follow the sign to Schnega. Before you reach Schnega, there are two lanes turning off on the right hand in short distance from each other; take the 2nd exit, to Göhr. This road twists through two small villages, Göhr and Lütenthien. At the T-junction in Lütenthien, turn right and then bear left for 1km until you see the green and yellow sign for Proitzer Mühle. The cluster of buildings beyond the sign, on both sides of the road, is the property. The main house is on the right hand side and has double wooden doors with our logo and name above it.

If you are coming from Uelzen on the B71, the signpost to Proitze is unexpectedly placed on the opposite side of the road. About 3 km past the village of Növenthien, look out for the right-hand turn (there is a slight dip in the road). Follow that to the T-junction in the village Proitze, then turn left into the narrow lane. Having passed the last houses of the village, turn left again and continue for about 1 km until you find yourself in the middle of a cluster of buildings – these are Proitzer Mühle. The parking lot is signposted to the right before you enter the yard. The main house is on the left side of the road.


Our Staff:

Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz (director), Nur Jahan (assistant director/treasurer), Renate (translation team), Fatima Nuri, Matthias, Glen, Salik, and Abi.

You can ask questions about registration and logistics here:

We will never rent, sell or share your data with anyone. Your email will only be used for the purposes of this event related communications.

European Sufi Summer School