23rd European Sufi Summer School
Saturday, 28 June - Friday, 4 July 2025
The Language of Continuing Creation in a World of Change
Registration is now open
Interested in joining us?
Once you have read our Terms of Service and ensured that you can come for the whole duration of our retreat, check the relevant logistics to ensure that there is a way of transportation suitable for your needs.
Then, follow these simple steps:
STEP 1. Fill in the registration form and wait to hear from us before transferring any money!
Step 2. Once you have received the confirmation that a place is available, you can pay € 250 deposit.
Step 3. Pay any remaining cost by June, 18.
Step 4. Arrive to the venue, register, settle, and join us for dinner on Saturday, June 28!
Click here to go to the registration page
Our Summer School celebrates the living way of the many paths of the heart. Those include Sufi dhikr (Remembrance), sitting and walking meditation, body prayer, times of silence, healing, spiritual music, Soulwork and Spiritual Psychology, art and Dances of Universal Peace.
We offer a range of classes, all focused toward present-day challenges, personally and globally. The day at the summer school begins with an all-school class, and then multiple classes are offered throughout the day. In the evening, we join together again for shared practice, Dances of Universal Peace, meditation, and wisdom stories, usually from the Sufi tradition.
The meditative walks of Murshid Samuel Lewis are a virtually untapped treasure about the truth of where each of us is right now, as doorways to Unity. His dances, inspired through vision and dream, offer the possibility to experience meditation in movement, and stillness in motion.
Participation in all classes is optional.
To hear about the updates to each year’s summer school, and to be notified when registration opens, please subscribe to our email list:
Wenn Sie über die Neuerungen der jährlichen Sommerschule informiert und über den Beginn der Anmeldefrist benachrichtigt werden möchten, tragen Sie sich bitte in unsere E-Mail-Liste ein:
The European Sufi Summer School
is open to all. It is rooted in an open spiritual tradition of the ancient Chistia lineage of Sufism. Our transmission (ruhaniyya) is through Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan, Murshid Sufi Ahmed Murad Chisti (Samuel L.Lewis) and Murshid Moineddin Jablonski. Threads of their individual spiritual practice also include Zen Buddhism, mystical Christianity, Bhakti and Advaita Yoga, and Kaballah.
The Summer School is staffed by dedicated students connected in various ways to and through this line of spiritual transmission. It is not legally or financially connected with any other Sufi corporation, organisation or project.
We emphasize teaching “in the footsteps of” our spiritual ancestors with language and practice adapted to the current challenges of humanity and the planet as a whole. No prior experience is necessary except a heart open to wisdom from the world’s many traditions.
Our aim is to nurture a community of seekers–and finders!–from across Europe and the rest of the world. You are welcome to join us!
All classes are conducted in English and German.

You can ask questions about our summer school here:
We will never rent, sell, or share your data with anyone. Your email will only be used for the purposes of this event related communications.